
Former omagh head coyle takes time off his ankle tweeking duties to film a wee trick

Richies ma's "MINGIN"

Trying to work out how to use my new cam


marc b nollie heel b&w by john_fleming
marc b nollie heel b&w, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

The only skate photo I took over the weekend.
marc nollie heel

what a rad weekend!!

Such a sick weekend, didn't take the camera out much over it as i was either stoked out skating or heavily intoxicated.

Was a more than a close shave getting the park finished in time. The kids started landing while all the drills where hard at work. we didnt get the 1/4ered rails finished but all should be finished by now.


The new stair set went down a treat. Every 10 year old in derry proved their man hood by ollie'in them. As did the dordsman who was equally as stoked out!


After a heavy night of booze and acting like jamie T on the mini handrail we hit up dtown for a comp. Loads of hammers went down at this. Keith Walsh killed it and won the over 18s taking home the bacon!
The derry heads didn't do too badly at this
Dee Collins took 2nd in the under 16s
Lucas Matta won the under 18s
Some fat ripper got 2nd in the over 18s
with Dee taking 3rd
he was stoked on his the shoes he won (as was i with the board and shoes)

1day to go before the reopening of the park!

Jeepers! C'mon bai's yah yah!!

Ipod action

joe bluntPhotobucket
Right folks a lot on this weekend in the North west

Friday 6pm Rosy's Skate Park in derry will be holding their first birthday jam. The park has been close all week due to building new ramps, stair rails etc. Its not a comp so kids don't ask me "what's the prizes" or "what time does the comp start" (in fact never ask me even when there is a comp!)
But should be a good sesh, come down and support the park and make this the first of many.
Rosy 1st bday by john_fleming
Rosy 1st bday, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.


Then Friday night for all of you's that are over 18 or are 15 with sideburns, team fresh are playing in Masons. (for those who don't know Team Fresh is a band made up by a ween of skaters from the Portrush area.) Known these boys for years but only got round to seeing them at glasgobury. Unreal!/event.php?eid=128795897216944

Then on the sat D-town will be holding their first comp. with 200yoyos up for grabs.!/event.php?eid=272176242794609

Edit of german comp when joe was over

Vans Shop Riot from Mantisshop on Vimeo.

left to dry

IMG_6902 by john_fleming
IMG_6902, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

The local scum have a habit of burning/fucking up/pissing on anything we make. I haven't checked if this is still standing yet but hopefully its too solid for their nike air max to kick down

First layer down

IMG_6900 by john_fleming
IMG_6900, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

the mix was just right

IMG_6899 by john_fleming
IMG_6899, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.


IMG_6881 by john_fleming
IMG_6881, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

Sat saw a bitta DIY crete action by myself, milky and richie. We found a rad concrete slab prefect for the top of a block. after a quick adult lego sesh our block was ready for some crete!

Stay the fuck outta Muff, I hear there's a scary hure about

bs hurricane angle 2

bs hurricane by john_fleming
bs hurricane, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

bs hurricane

bs hurricane2 by john_fleming
bs hurricane2, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

joe tre

joe tre by john_fleming
joe tre, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

Congratulations to joe hills for getting hooked up by rusty clothing, he celebrates his new sponsor with a beast of a tre flip

wallride fish

wallride 2 by john_fleming
wallride 2, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

wall ride from 1/4er

wall ride by john_fleming
wall ride, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

Boggin-bowl-BBQ in belfast

Pretty pissed off i didn't take any photos now but as soon as i got the camera out, some smack head keep asking to see it and take photos, so i put it away after a few min.

Dlynn killed it all day, was stoked out watchin him kill it

Big stu

Crunter retired to sleep in the van after a feed of blacken suggies and tins of skanky beers

my fav bowl in Ireland

Bogginzine Bowl-B-Q, Joe Hill - Backside Air.

Joe Hill - Treflip Fakie.

Joe Hill - Treflip Fakie. by Duddle_It
Joe Hill - Treflip Fakie., a photo by Duddle_It on Flickr.

Out and about

Spyed what i thought looked like a rad full pipe from the road the other day

got close and it was pure wank tho


Few more old photo's

Joe k Grind

Richie Kickflip

Dee has been eyeing up this gnarly rail for a few years now, hopefully he's going to get the balls out soon
gnarly rail

New waste Ground



Rosy 1st birthday

Rosy 1st bday by john_fleming
Rosy 1st bday, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.


Old photo I forgot about

joe k by john_fleming
joe k, a photo by john_fleming on Flickr.

Joe K grind

Bs 180's at the park

Joe bs air

Dee bs air

few videos for a first post, wheyyy

Joe Hill skating our new waste ground spot

D-town opening day

Derry Skate Blog

Blog for any craic to do with the Derry skate scene