Over the last 2 decades in skateboarding i've had the pleasure of meeting some real unique fellows, one-of-kind weirdos, heroes where you'd expect only drinkers and gamblers, some proper champions amongst men. rory sweeney is one or all of the above. he is the engine behind the d-town skatepark in Donegal town. a park pretty far from the beaten track, a park where none really ought to exist, this is all part of the magic. we hit the road, through the Barnsmore gap last weekend insearch of the mythic park and to share a bit of passive smoke with the wild man of the Donegal Hills....
so-solid fuel

they call him donegal's steve rocco; he's like a malf-mad genius type fellow that survives on curry chips and regal kingsize

aid - 50-50 the big box

aid - wallride the new improved wallride feature. this is reason enough to make the trek to d-town

jofus hill - backsmith schmitt grind the low to high

it took fleming a while to get used to being in the free-state
john fleming - bsts the high box


backside pirhouette over the hip

jay dords